Case Study
Raffle Parking
Raffle Parking operates 803 Fannin, a 1,100-stall garage
in the heart of downtown Houston’s commercial core
Raffle Parking operates 803 Fannin, a 1,100-stall garage in the heart of downtown Houston’s commercial core. The structure caters to a diverse clientele, including JP Morgan Chase. Raffle Parking employed ParkHub’s Smarking Business Intelligence (BI) and Automated Yield Management (AYM) technologies to improve its transient revenue while continuing to provide a positive customer experience for its monthly clients.

The Solution

Raffle Parking uses ParkHub’s Smarking BI tool to analyze parking trends at its garage and recently updated its transient parking rate structure. By using the Smarking BI dashboard, Raffle Parking could access detailed data needed to decide how much to change rates and whether to add, remove, or consolidate rate bands.

Several models predicted the impact of various rate changes – Rate increases of $1-2 per rate band

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With integrated payments, devices, and business intelligence, ParkHub is paving the road to a brighter digital future. On that road, ParkHub customers are driving away from cash, quickly and seamlessly.