Case Study
FC Dallas
ParkHub’s mobile and contactless payment solutions
improve parking operations at FC Dallas.
Hoping to save time and money for the club, and create a better fan experience, FC Dallas has gone cashless.
Cashless payments allow for better asset control, less slippage at the start, and fuels a deeper understanding of revenue sources. Mobile and contactless devices mean faster ingress and a better experience for all, while payments are the foundation for increasing business intelligence along the customer journey, from the lot through the venue and beyond.

The Solution

After switching to ParkHub’s more reliable payment devices, with strong wireless connectivity and offline processing modes, going cashless finally seemed like a viable option for FC Dallas. In December 2022, the club conducted a trial run for cashless payments as it hosted college football’s Frisco Bowl. With nothing but great responses from parking attendants, and no complaints from guests, the test run was a massive success.

Learn More
With integrated payments, devices, and business intelligence, ParkHub is paving the road to a brighter digital future. On that road, ParkHub customers are driving away from cash, quickly and seamlessly.