Case Study
Premium Parking
Driving Demand During COVID-19 with
Demand-Responsive Pricing
During the COVID-19 pandemic, parking operators struggled with decreased demand. Premium Parking’s New Orleans garages that used online sales channels and ParkHub’s Automated Yield Management (AYM) solution were able to buck the trend and preserve revenue.
The Solution
Pricing Optimization
ParkHub’s AYM software automatically changes rates to capture demand and has increased revenue by 163% on average. Higher rates during peak hours capture revenue opportunities while controlling occupancy levels, whereas lower rates during off hours help create a competitive advantage.
In Conclusion
Premium Parking’s results are consistent with a recent doctoral study by Todd Tucker that showed online sales channels created additional demand for parking rather than just moving existing demand online. Premium Parking’s adoption of ParkHub’s AYM solution and online sales channels enabled its New Orleans garages to minimize revenue losses during the pandemic.
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With integrated payments, devices, and business intelligence, ParkHub is paving the road to a brighter digital future. On that road, ParkHub customers are driving away from cash, quickly and seamlessly.