Case Study

Momentous Sports Center

Momentous Sports Center Boosted Revenue with Prime and EventPass

Who’s Involved

David “DK” Kim | Director of Finance
Steffin Rangel | Director of Operations
Johnny Castro | General Manager

Customer Takeaways

We chose ParkHub because of the simplicity of the solution in terms of ease of use for our cashiers. Also important was the hands-on approach we experienced from each and every ParkHub member that we interacted with during the introduction and training process.


Momentous Sports Center – Southern California’s pre-eminent youth sports tournament venue – features 22 premium indoor volleyball, basketball, and futsal courts. The Center needed a robust card payment solution that would expand its current cash-only sales operations and add online prepay functionality.   They also needed more information about lot capacity, foot traffic, and other metrics. By implementing ParkHub’s Prime mobile point-of-sale devices and the EventPass prepaid reservation platform, the Center enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The Challenge

Customers wanted card payment options for parking.

Cash handling brought security and sales variance challenges.

Lack of metrics on customer behavior and lot status.

Slow ingress caused traffic backups on public streets.

The Solution

Prime Mobile Point-of-Sale Device

Prime allowed Momentous to add credit card payments as an option – increasing customer satisfaction. Prime also eliminated the need for round-number pricing to ease cash handling. Plus, Prime seamlessly connects to backend software, giving the Center access to real-time data and metrics that it sought.

EventPass Prepaid Reservation Platform

Momentous customers, including their largest, a major regional sports association, wanted an option to prepay to reserve parking online. With EventPass, the center was able to bundle event attendee admission with parking. Next year, the center plans to have its largest customers more actively announce prepaid options. Momentous also has a prepaid tab on its website.

The Results

Decrease in Cash Use and Variances

The changes eliminated cash variances for admission, which is now 100% cashless. They also reduced cash variances for parking, which is now exact change only when using cash. There has been a significant drop in cash use, from 63% cash and 37% credit in the first six months to 24% cash and 75% credit in the last six months.

Revenue Increase

Even with an increase in average ticket prices, revenue has increased 26.2% year-over-year in April and May. The average EventPass redemption rate is 83.4%, allowing unused pre-sold spaces to become available for resale.

Data-Driven Approach Enhances Customer Satisfaction

Integrating ParkHub’s technologies has provided valuable insights into customer behavior and lot capacity. This data has been instrumental in making informed decisions, directly impacting customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
For instance, understanding peak times from the data has allowed Momentous Sports Center to adjust staffing and operational strategies, ensuring customer needs are met promptly and efficiently.

Real-Time Monitoring Improves Security

Prime’s backend integration facilitated continuous monitoring and rapid resolution of transaction discrepancies, ensuring improved security and immediate attention to any potential issues.

Reduced Bottlenecks

Customers can park more quickly, reducing the traffic bottleneck during peak parking hours and keeping the center in compliance with its Operating Permit with the City of Irvine.

In Conclusion

Momentous Sports Center’s implementation of Prime mobile point-of-sale devices and the EventPass prepaid reservation platform significantly enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By transitioning to a predominantly cashless system, the center streamlined its payment processes and gained valuable real-time data. These strategic upgrades effectively addressed previous challenges, facilitating smoother traffic flow and more robust financial performance.

Learn More

With integrated payments, devices, and business intelligence, ParkHub is paving the road to a brighter digital future. On that road, ParkHub customers are driving away from cash, quickly and seamlessly.