Case Study

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT Transforms Its Campus Parking Program with Data-Driven Insights

Who’s Involved

Larry Brutti | Manager of MIT’s Parking & Transportation Office

Customer Takeaways

It’s an excellent tool to manage inventory. As we issue permits, we keep an eye on occupancy. With [ParkHub’s] Smarking BI, I can see that, say, MIT is at 85 percent capacity, and then I can look at individual parking areas so I can figure out where that capacity is. It helps me better balance the inventory and better move people around to lots that work best for everyone.


With over 11,000 students and growing enrollment, MIT needed more student housing. The administration planned to convert parking lots into new dormitories to meet the need. Construction was expected to reduce parking inventory by 20%. MIT worked with ParkHub to understand demand in different locations on campus and reduce parking demand in the least utilized areas. The goal was to ready these areas for development, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigate congestion.

The Challenge

Reduce parking inventory by 20% over a two-year period.

Measure the effectiveness of efforts to reduce parking demand.

The Results

Optimized Demand

With ParkHub’s Smarking BI dashboard, MIT parking management assessed the effectiveness of the AccessMIT incentive program. The dashboard gave the MIT team instant insights into real-time revenue, occupancy, and duration statistics for all of their parking assets. The campus saw a reduction in transactions by 19% in January 2017 vs January 2016 after the new program.

Line graph displaying permit parking transactions on MIT’s campus, before and after AccessMIT
Bar graph displaying permit parking transactions on MIT’s campus, before and after AccessMIT

In Conclusion

MIT collaborated with ParkHub to implement a data-driven approach that transformed its campus parking program. By leveraging ParkHub’s Smarking BI platform and introducing AccessMIT incentives, the institution balanced parking demand, supported new campus development, and achieved a significant reduction in transactions.

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