Case Study

City of Santa Monica

Data-Driven Decisions for Integrated Parking and Land Use Policy Progress

Who’s Involved

Michael Towler, Senior Administrative Analyst for the City of Santa Monica

Customer Takeaways

[ParkHub’s] Smarking data analytics platform and services have been critical in our parking policy development process. We use Smarking [BI] to track and evaluate every step of the policy change. The ability to understand historical trends and future policy impacts with a wealth of high-resolution data empowers us to keep pace in a rapidly changing mobility ecosystem.


In recent years, the City of Santa Monica has implemented several strategic parking management policies to reduce congestion, cut CO2 emissions, and encourage sustainable land use. ParkHub’s Smarking BI solution enabled dynamic parking rates and data-driven policy adjustments to effectively manage parking supply and demand. The use of real-time and historical data helped the city increase parking revenue and improve the efficiency of space utilization. Public acceptance and compliance with new parking regulations has grown, further advancing the city’s urban sustainability efforts.

The Challenge

Balance parking demand and supply more effectively.

Reduce downtown traffic congestion and CO2 emissions.

Support sustainable land use and urban development.

Parkhub product Automated Yield Management AYM
Graphic displaying parking rate changes

The Results

Increased Revenue

Rate changes reduced the number of parking transactions by 44,471 in 18 months and led to $3,423,078 in revenue.

Graphic displaying the impact on CO2 emissions of parking structure rate adjustments
Graphic displaying impact on transactions and revenue based on the rate changes versus a scenario where rates were not changed

Reduced Congestion and Carbon Emissions

Annualized CO2 emissions in metric tons decreased by 303.75 metric tons, amounting to 0.33 percent of the city’s annual reduction goal of 4 percent.

Repurposed Land

Changes prompted 53% of the demand for parking in the city’s Civic Lot to shift to its Civic Structure and the remaining demand to alternate, more sustainable modes of transportation. This shift allowed the city to repurpose the Civic Center Lot as a Civic Center Multipurpose Sports Field and a commemorative area for the historical African American Belmar neighborhood.

Graphic showing the shift in demand for parking away from the Civic Lot

In Conclusion

By leveraging ParkHub’s Smarking BI solution, the City of Santa Monica successfully implemented dynamic pricing and utilized real-time data to guide policy adjustments and parking management. These changes increased revenue, reduced congestion, and made a notable decrease in CO2 emissions. The approach fostered better space utilization and supported broader sustainability goals and urban development.

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